10 Moves to Get Work Now

10 Moves to Get Work Now

Get Up. Get Out. Get Moving. Make Contact! When you are not in the world, you can start to feel isolated. Marketing is all about being seen. Develop ways to be making contacts. Take a class. Join an organization. Attend a gallery showing. Have a beer with friends. Talk a walk, take a hike, take a moment to see the world. Make dinner for others. Bring food to the unfortunate.

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How to Get Their Lips Moving

How to Get Their Lips Moving

Word-of-Mouth is someone else telling others all about us! Many of us swear that it's the best and only marketing we'll ever need. As creative entrepreneurs we often shun speaking about ourselves, we value "the other" person saying we're incredible, perfect for the job and the exact fit for which they're looking. When friends, colleagues and strangers say that we are the best one, the only one and then come find us – we love it.

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Do This NOW to Get Work

Do This NOW to Get Work

Produce and Show Innovative New Work. Always be creating interesting, arresting product. Imagine a new way to see, sing or tell a story. Constantly notice and note opportunities for distributing your work to your market in new and interesting ways. Visit museums, galleries, shops, schools and businesses. Build relationships by creating opportunities to show the work.

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Custom One-Year Plan

Custom One-Year Plan

One Size Does Not Fit All. The only way to get a plan that really fits – that will work beautifully for you – is to build it custom. You need a dynamic plan that is able to give you, the creative, a solid strategy that considers your hopes, dreams, talents and unique way of working. Today's game is not only more competitive, it is an entirely new game – and it's more important than ever to be custom.

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