Everyone Needs A Plan
/A well thought-out and organized plan dramatically increases your odds of succeeding as an entrepreneur. Know where you are. Know where you’re going. Be efficient. Work with focus. Do great work. Use money smartly. Work productively. Get more clients. Be seen. Be remembered.
Read MoreHow to Get Their Lips Moving
/Word-of-Mouth is someone else telling others all about us! Many of us swear that it's the best and only marketing we'll ever need. As creative entrepreneurs we often shun speaking about ourselves, we value "the other" person saying we're incredible, perfect for the job and the exact fit for which they're looking. When friends, colleagues and strangers say that we are the best one, the only one and then come find us – we love it.
Read MoreWord of Mouth, The Ultimate Testimonial
/Talk About Me -- Please.
Many people say they only want word-of-mouth business but don’t do the work to make it happen. It takes thought, planning and doing to become your best marketing plan.
Read MoreDo This NOW to Get Work
/Produce and Show Innovative New Work. Always be creating interesting, arresting product. Imagine a new way to see, sing or tell a story. Constantly notice and note opportunities for distributing your work to your market in new and interesting ways. Visit museums, galleries, shops, schools and businesses. Build relationships by creating opportunities to show the work.
Read MoreIndecision Kills
/I have been working on my new website for nearly two years. This is not just literary hyperbole, this is the humiliating truth. I have exhausted the efforts, energy and excitement of everyone I solicited to join me in this project — for over 600 days. Indecision is a decision. It's a bad one.
Read More10 Things Reps Want You to Know
/No matter where you are in the creative world — filmmaker, musician, artist, photographer, et cetera — the idea of representation is delicious. Imagine someone else doing all the parts you wish you didn't have to do! Great reps are looking for great talent that understand how this relationship works best to get success.
Read MoreTime to Strut Your Stuff?
/Time is moving fast. Will you spend the next five, six, twelve months doing more of the same old, same old? Do you have the Resources, Courage, Stamina and Passion to "Strut Your Stuff?"
Read MoreWhy Hire a Consultant?
/Entrepreneurs are risk takers, driven by vision and action. You are used to "going for it" — great for hatching an amazing idea, but not always the best at building your idea into something more. Get a consultant to partner with you, and turn your Idea into a Great Business.
Read MoreGive Yourself the Gift of Independence
/Most creative people who become entrepreneurs have spent a lifetime learning and perfecting their craft and talent. Yet most have not one iota of education on how to find their market or sell to them.
Read MoreCustom One-Year Plan
/One Size Does Not Fit All. The only way to get a plan that really fits – that will work beautifully for you – is to build it custom. You need a dynamic plan that is able to give you, the creative, a solid strategy that considers your hopes, dreams, talents and unique way of working. Today's game is not only more competitive, it is an entirely new game – and it's more important than ever to be custom.
Read MoreHow to Ask for the Job
/Don't just sit by the phone and pine away for the work you've been wanting. Now it's time to close the deal and ask for that job! Your clients know you. You've been staying in touch with your existing clients and networking with potential clients. You know they've set their budgets for the year.
Read MoreHow Often is Too Often?
/Used to be, you could get away with updating your Internet presence every few years. Used to be you could send out marketing materials here and there. You need to be on social media, networking and gaining exposure for your work. In this new world of constant communication, it's easy to fall victim to "the overwhelm" and wonder: How often is too often?
Read MoreDon't Be Silly – the Season Matters!
/Use the Seasons to help you market your creative work. It's smart and powerful. Working against it is futile. And ignoring it is just plain silly. So learn the seasons, pay attention to what the world feels, thinks and does during each month, around each holiday and as we live, educate, celebrate, motivate, innovate and inspire ourselves throughout each year.
Read MoreWhat Matters Now
/Know Your Market. Do you even understand your "market" – that is the group of people, in many job titles, who buy your work?? Do you know how they think? Do you know what is asked/demanded of them in their work? Do you have an intimate understanding of how your work is seen, chosen, bid and selected? Let's start with the basics.
Read MoreParalyzed by Indecision?
/The Answer is created by your Action. It's easy to be paralyzed by indecision when every choice you make feels SO important. What should your "about" page say? What image is the best for your emailer? How do you choose images for your portfolio? Which logo really represents you and your brand? What, which, why, when, where ...?
Read MoreAre You Mobile?
/360 million people now own iPads. Are your customers one of them? In this day and age, you can't afford to not be mobile. With over one third of the US now owning a tablet, your buyers are playing on them for the following three reasons.
Read MoreSocial is the New Normal
/The world of marketing is undergoing a paradigm shift to a social consciousness.
Get on Facebook, get on Twitter, get on LinkedIn, start a blog — get your social ON!
Marketing has always been about building relationships, and social media is just another way to cultivate and maintain relationships.
Read MoreCultivate a Persistent Attitude
/Cultivate a Willingness, Ability and Attitude to stay in the game. Persistence.
It takes GRIT to stay competitive:
Gorgeous work, Regular follow up, Intent to excel, and Tenacity to outlast the hard times.
Read MoreAutomate a Remarkable Follow Up
/PLAN a Remarkable Follow Up campaign – that is automated, interesting and connected.
Great follow-up rarely just happens. You have to PLAN to follow up, and PLAN to make every communication count.
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