Indecision Kills

I’m not sure if confession is good for the soul or if it just lets the guilty feel free. Either way, here’s mine.

I have been working on my new website for nearly two years. This is not just literary hyperbole, this is the humiliating truth. I have exhausted the efforts, energy and excitement of everyone I solicited to join me in this project — for over 600 days.


And it’s been my choice decision regarding the completion of this most important part of my business and marketing — my newest website. I am a marketing professional. How could I not only let it happen but be 100% responsible for it as well.  Ah, here’s the teaching story …

Business was doing well. Clients were doing well. The creative world was beginning to crawl out from under the devastation of the Great F*#king Recession and look around for new ways of doing business.  

The Internet reigned supreme and had for some time. Then suddenly, it began to make rapid changes to how it should best be played. And Social Media, following suit and becoming a change-monster, rose above and beyond being the “ugly stepsister” of advertising and replaced advertising almost completely.  

My business was "the little engine that could" as my team met the needs of many clients by launching imaginative and engaging campaigns. We were cranking!  

But, alas, all was not perfect in paradise. Personal overwhelm,  an influx of competition and an increased workload kept me in my indecision choice on my own business workload.

The internet is an amazing place. Anyone with a smart site can sell anything to anyone. Negotiating this Pinocchio’s carnival atmosphere while trying to hire the right talent was nearly impossible and definitely trying. So finding the vendors we needed was a constant struggle. We were sometimes successful and often frustrated. A new, refreshed website would be so good for my business. But still indecision was my choice.  

The business to business world of helping creatives sell is hard. Our buyers create advertising for a living. Our buyers are jaded. Not only have they seen everything, they are overwhelmed creating the newest ideas while been swamped with us trying to sell them to use us! We were working hard and that made deciding to not launch a new site seem smart — haha, self delusion is a lovely drug.

I needed my new website and refreshed materials then but I was busy. Every trend I identified seemed to shape shift before me. The world we were working in was in constant change.  Indecision was my choice.  

Then, as life does, it provided an opportunity to which I was not allowed to say no – move my home and offices (a story that would require a case of wine and a weekend in a cabin to tell) became my excuse to keep indecision as my best friend. Moving is in the top three of life stressors (death, marriage, moving — not sure where taxes fall.) The move had missteps. The missteps caused pain. Finally the landing, and a beautiful landing came. But still I decided to be indecisive and defer instead to everyone else’s needs.

I’d move forward a little — writer here, pictures there, a rewrite and a decision but really, come on. Indecision.

Two days ago, a dear friend and colleague grabbed me, chose an appointment time and said, "DECIDE, because we’re finishing this." All of this to say, that is why my blog goes from 2014 to 2016 with only this entry.

Remember the most important decision you can make EVERY time is to DECIDE to DECIDE.